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Latest Headlines & News

These are the latest headlines from in Chronological Order.
  • Nitrogen Dioxide, Ozone & Lead Partner to Increase Pollution Dangers to Urban Children Dec 3, 2009
    Scientists from the University of California, Irvine have found that Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Ozone (O3) react with surfaces painted with lead based paint to increase the release of lead from said paint posing an even greater risk for children.
  • Initial Energy Audit for 70s House Eco Renovation Oct 15, 2009
    This energy audit was conducted on our house as part of our 70s house eco renovation project to help us prioritize weatherization and energy efficiency projects. This is one in a series of articles documenting the eco renovation of our house.
  • Buying local clean power electricity (70s House Eco Renovation series) May 2, 2009
    One of the easiest ways for us to reduce our carbon footprint by around 1.5 tons per year was to start buying our electricity from a clean power provider.
  • Updating Lighting Fixtures (70s House Eco Renovation series) May 2, 2009
    Better ambiance while saving energy using efficient CFLs
  • Painting Walls (70s House Eco Renovation series) May 2, 2009
    Bright walls require less light, Low VOC options, recycled painting supplies.
  • Replacing Carpets (70s House Eco Renovation series) May 2, 2009
    Soybean based padding, recycled PET carpets, low VOCs, reduced health concerns.
  • Installing a low flow showerhead (70s House Eco Renovation series) May 2, 2009
    An easy DIY project that will result in immediate savings.
  • 70s House Eco Renovation: From Green to "Green" May 2, 2009
    As we do an eco renovation of our house, we will take it from the color green to being eco green. This series of articles will document our progress and share what we learn along the way. We will provide reviews of the eco products we use and provide tips for those who like to DIY (do-it-yourself). We will document not just what we did, but why we did it. Our eventual goal is to reduce our energy and water consumption and bring our home to as close to carbon neutral as is practical. At the same time we want our home to be comfortable with the amenities we are accustomed.
  • Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Children: Autism and ADHD April 14, 2008
    While the generally accepted causes of neurodevelopmental disorders like Autism and ADHD include genetic and environmental factors, a wide range of toxic chemicals in the environment have also been associated with these disorders.
  • Biofueling the future Feb 11, 2008
    Whatever their motivation - be it energy independence for the U.S. or an attempt at fighting climate change for Europe - world governments are now heavily subsidizing biofuels.
  • Editorial: China and the environment: The U.S. could learn a lot from China Oct. 29, 2007
    China may have a long way to go on their environmental record, but they are aggressively tackling their environmental issues and the United States could learn a lot from what China is doing.
  • Editorial: Plagiarism, Copyright Infringement, Fair Use and Environmental Organizations Oct. 16, 2007
    One of the things that always amazes is how poorly non-profit environmental organizations understand Fair Use clauses of the copyright law and how frequently individuals (even leaders) of these organizations plagiarize from others when writing their own articles. In our case, articles we publish have been frequent victims of copyright infringement and/or plagiarism by different well know environmental organizations.
  • Nanotech-cleantech: bridging the gap to real sustainability Aug 15, 2007
    What is nanotech, how can it help us bridge the gap to sustainablity and what are its risks? This article takes a closer look at these issues.
  • Global Trends in Energy Technology Innovation: An Introduction June 18, 2007
    In a mere 100 years we have consumed the equivalent of millions of years' of years' worth of solar energy captured by ancient microorganisms and plants, and locked up in vast oil, gas and coal reserves which are being rapidly depleted. Inevitably, we must solve our energy problems in ways that are both profitable and environmentally aware.
  • Can Prairie Dogs be Managed Utilizing Reconciliation Ecology? June 5, 2007
    The concept of reconciliation ecology is to accommodate wild species within a human modified or occupied landscape. So how can this be applied to prairie dog management?
  • RoHS: Europe's Initiative to Control Technological Waste May 8, 2007
    What will be done with the debris of the information age? The European Union (EU) member states are taking action and holding manufacturers responsible for the hazardous materials in their products.
  • Prairie Dog Control Part II: Lethal Techniques Apr. 24, 2007
    A discussion of differenct lethal prairie dog control measures. Part three of a four part series on prairie dogs.
  • Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs): Are They Worth the Switch? Apr. 18, 2007
    Do compact Fluorescent lights really save money, how well do they perform? See what we found out, then use our Javascript calculator to calculate your potential savings.
  • Prairie Dog Control Part I: Non-Lethal Techniques Apr. 3, 2007
    A discussion of differenct non-lethal prairie dog control measures. Part two of a four part series on prairie dogs.
  • Prairie Dogs: A Threatened Species or Public Health Nuisance? Mar. 20, 2007
    In the Midwest of the United States the matter of whether prairie dogs are a threatened species or an over populated public health nuisance that causes severe economic damage has been raging for decades. Part one of a four part series on prairie dogs.
  • 49CFR Hazardous Materials Table added Feb. 14, 2007
    We are pleased to announce that we have added an online version of the USDOT's listing of hazardous materials from 49CFR 172.101 to The table can be sorted by proper shipping name, UN/NA ID and/or by primary hazard class/division.
  • Plastics - From Recycling Bin to New Product Feb. 6, 2007
    Where do recyclable plastics go? If a plastic makes it into the recycling loop, it will go through many processes before it emerges as a recycled product.
  • ADA Recommendation for Fluoride in Infant Diets Jan. 4, 2007
    Based on American Dental Association recommendations, many infants and small children may be getting too much fluoride in their diets, which may pose long term health risks including fluorosis.
  • CO2 Pollution and Global Warming Nov. 7, 2006
    Why is carbon dioxide, a life sustaining, compound considered pollution and how do scientists know that humans are responsible for the increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere and global warming?
  • What You Do and Don't Know About Fluorine and Fluoride Sept. 26, 2006
    Fluoride's derivatives have many other uses than as a mouthwash. Researchers have been making compounds with this element for a long time.
  • Hydrogen Fuel Cells: Energy of the Future August 22, 2006
    Energy sources of the future will have to be cleaner and more efficient than current sources - hydrogen fuel cells fulfill these requirements; however, several challenges remain before we will see wide-spread commercialization.
  • Sorting out Science from Junk Science Aug. 3, 2006
    Do you know how to separate science from pseudoscience? Many websites are sponsored by organizations that have specific agendas; when evaluating a website, there are several questions you should ask.
  • Completed Major Update of Our Periodic Table! July 31, 2006
    We have completed a major update of our periodic table of elements. This update includes revalidation of data points and the addition of new data points for each element. Additions include expanded information about each element's discovery, abundance on earth, mining sources & more. This update proves once again we provide information that you won't find any where else on the web (well until they copy us again).
  • New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina, and the Oil Industry June 30, 2006
    New Orleans communities were destroyed and lives uprooted as water came cascading onto the Bayou. Did the damage have to be so devastating? Some experts say no.
  • The Dangers of Lawn Chemicals at Home June 13, 2006
    Each year consumers paint their lawns with various fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. These chemicals can be deadly and it is important to use them correctly.
  • Norwegian farmed salmon production raises global concern May 31, 2006
    The quality and safety of Norwegian farmed salmon has recently come into question with a Russian ban, illegal nitrate use and evidence of a Norwegian cover up. A senior scientist in seafood safety for the Norwegian government has exposed an orchestrated cover up of illegal nitrate use and cadmium contamination in farm raised fish.
  • Are there Realistic Dry-Cleaning Alternatives to Perc? May. 12, 2006
    Perc or percholorethylene has been shown to be a potential human carcinogen and to have other human health risks, yet the vast majority of America's dry cleaners use perc - are there viable alternatives? The three most prominent non-perc cleaning options are examined and compared.
  • How Well Do You Know Recycled Paper Apr. 17, 2006
    Just like anything else, the recycled paper you buy may not always be what it seems.
  • DuPont's Teflon Cover-up Mar. 22, 2006
    Teflon is in household products we use every day, but evidence is coming to light that this miracle chemical is not as safe as DuPont has lead us to believe. Court records and internal documents have shown that DuPont has been covering up the true dangers of Teflon for decades.
  • Looking Good, Feeling Bad; or, What's the Problem with Perc (Percholorethylene)? Mar. 7, 2006
    According to the EPA, we all may be exposed to perc because it is found in the air and drinking water nationwide.
  • Effects of Air Pollution on your health Feb. 28, 2006
    Some obvious causes of air pollution would be your car, but there are many not so obvious products that you may use everyday that are potentially damaging to your health.
  • The Heat facing Outdoor Wood Furnaces and Boilers Feb. 14, 2006
    Emissions from outdoor wood burning stoves drift across property lines raising health concerns for neighbors who inadvertently breathe the smoke filled air.
  • PCBs are in the Foods You Love Jan. 31, 2006
    PCBs a notoriously hazardous group of chemicals have infiltrated our food chain.
  • Exceptions, Exemptions and Variances Jan. 16, 2006
    Exemptions, exceptions and variances are all viewed as leniencies that allow one to do something that would normally not be permitted according to regulation, but these terms are not interchangable.
  • Environmental Pollution of the Concord River, a Historic American Waterway Dec. 17, 2005
    In Massachusetts, the Concord River, along with its tributaries, serve as an example of the implications that pollutants can have on our environment.
  • Mercury in Fish vs. the The Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Fish Oils Dec. 2005
    In spite of the health benefits provided by omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oils, people are decreasing fish in their diets due to high levels of mercury found in some fish.
  • PCBs in New York's Hudson River: Where Does the Buck Stop? Oct. 2005
    Many parties are responsible for the decades-long PCB contamination of the Hudson River. Who must ultimately pay the price for cleanup? Forensic chemistry helps identify the main polluter and pollutant.
  • Increased Mercury Levels Attributed to Industrial Activities Apr. 2005
    Outdated coal fired powerplants are contributing to increased mercury levels in lakes and streams.
  • Clean Air Act is Contributing to the Mercury Problem Apr. 2005
    Clean Air Act Amendments of 1970 and 1977 Set the Stage for the Mercury Calamity of the 21st Century.
  • Pseudoscience: A Threat to Our Environment Nov 2004
    US Government scientists have always been free to conduct unbiased research for the betterment of society and the environment. Under pressure from industry and special interests, biased research has resulted in pseudoscience that threatens the integrity of science in America.

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To ensure regulatory compliance when transporting hazardous materials or dangerous goods, one must receive proper training and certification from a qualified instructor and refer to a copy of the current year's Code of Federal Regulations Title 49 (49CFR) or your country's shipping regulations. When shipping hazardous cargo by air, one should refer to IATA regulations. In matters regarding workplace safety, one should refer to current OSHA regulations (29CFR) and NIOSH guidelines or your own country's health and safety regulations.

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