Opera Detected

You have been brought to this page because you are using Opera . Unregistered Opera typically makes use of Google AdSense ads that are targeted based on the content of the webpage, this is an unauthorized use of our copyrighted material.

While a good faith effort is made to only target unregistered copies of Opera, due to the limitations of the detection routine, there are frequently false positives.

If your copy of Opera is registered, please maximize Opera, and turn off Opera's personal and navigational bars or go into full screen mode [F11]. This should allow you past the Opera redirect script and you should be able to access this site without further interuptions.

Why we block Opera

Web Publishers like us provide content. Companies like Opera Software deliver that content. Each has to find a way to make a living. There are many publishers and there are many content delivery companies (e.g. web browsers). In this case, Opera Software has decided that if they are to deliver our content, they are going to use our content to target their ads. We feel that this represents an unauthorized use of our intellectual property and a violation of our copyrights. This also represents a business arrangement that we do not want to be a part of.

Until which point in time Opera gives us a foolproof method to prevent the displaying of content targeted ads in the toolbar of Opera, we will use whatever measures we deem appropriate to make sure that Opera is unable to access our content whenever there is a potential it is displaying its ads.

Our Opera blocking routine cannot perfectly detect when Opera is displaying ads or not. At least, however, it provides a mechanism for Opera users to still be able to access our content under specific conditions (e.g. in full screen mode [F11]). The alternative available to us is to block all Opera users if we are to protect our content from unauthorized uses.

As some Opera users have ineloquently pointed out, you may disagree with our stance. We understand you may be offended and also recognize that there are other websites that provide some of the resources we provide on this site. We will not, however, change our policy in regards to the Opera web browser until Opera Software changes their stance in regards to their use of Google rads.

If you have any questions or concerns about this issue, please contact Opera Software.