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Chemistry & Environmental Dictionary

Covalent Radius - Valence electron potential (-eV) - Volume

Valence electron potential (-eV)

Provides a quantitative indication of an elements reactivity and is based on the charge of the valence electrons and the ionic radius. It is determined by the equation: (-eV) = kn/r. 'k' is a proportionality factor converting �ngstroms into centimeters and expressing the force exerted by the valence electrons in electron volts which is equated to 14.399. 'n' is the valence. 'r' is the ionic radius in �ngstroms.

Valence electrons

The electrons involved in the ionization of an element.

Vapor pressure

The pressure exerted when a material in its solid or liquid state is in equilibrium with it's gas state. As this is changes as a function of temperature, vapor pressure must be qualified by the relevant temperature.


Readily passing into the gas state at a relatively low temperature.


The tendency of a material to pass into the gas state at a particular temperature from a solid or liquid state.


The measurement of anything in 3-demension (cubic magnitude).

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