This periodic table of elements provides comprehensive data on the chemical elements including scores of properties, element names in many languages and most known nuclides (Isotopes). Below the table there is a "Periodic Table Sorted By" section with links that will sort chemical elements by various properties. Each element on the table below links to a detailed page for that element.
Groups | |||||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | ||
IA | IIA | IIIA | IVA | VA | VIA | VIIA | VIIIA | IB | IIB | IIIB | IVB | VB | VIB | VIIB | VIII | ||||
IA | IIA | IIIB | IVB | VB | VIB | VIIB | VIII | IB | IIB | IIIA | IVA | VA | VIA | VIIA | VIIIA | ||||
Last updated: Dec. 2, 2011 | |||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 H | 2 He | |||||||||||||||||
2 | 3 Li | 4 Be | 5 B | 6 C | 7 N | 8 O | 9 F | 10 Ne | |||||||||||
3 | 11 Na | 12 Mg | 13 Al | 14 Si | 15 P | 16 S | 17 Cl | 18 Ar | |||||||||||
4 | 19 K | 20 Ca | 21 Sc | 22 Ti | 23 V | 24 Cr | 25 Mn | 26 Fe | 27 Co | 28 Ni | 29 Cu | 30 Zn | 31 Ga | 32 Ge | 33 As | 34 Se | 35 Br | 36 Kr | |
5 | 37 Rb | 38 Sr | 39 Y | 40 Zr | 41 Nb | 42 Mo | 43 Tc | 44 Ru | 45 Rh | 46 Pd | 47 Ag | 48 Cd | 49 In | 50 Sn | 51 Sb | 52 Te | 53 I | 54 Xe | |
6 | 55 Cs | 56 Ba | 57 La | 1 | 72 Hf | 73 Ta | 74 W | 75 Re | 76 Os | 77 Ir | 78 Pt | 79 Au | 80 Hg | 81 Tl | 82 Pb | 83 Bi | 84 Po | 85 At | 86 Rn |
7 | 87 Fr | 88 Ra | 89 Ac | 2 | 104 Rf | 105 Db | 106 Sg | 107 Bh | 108 Hs | 109 Mt | 110 Ds | 111 Rg | 112 Cn | 114 Uuq | 116 Uuh | 118 Uuo | |||
6 | 1 | 58 Ce | 59 Pr | 60 Nd | 61 Pm | 62 Sm | 63 Eu | 64 Gd | 65 Tb | 66 Dy | 67 Ho | 68 Er | 69 Tm | 70 Yb | 71 Lu | ||||
7 | 2 | 90 Th | 91 Pa | 92 U | 93 Np | 94 Pu | 95 Am | 96 Cm | 97 Bk | 98 Cf | 99 Es | 100 Fm | 101 Md | 102 No | 103 Lr |
Series | |||||||||
Metals | Nonmetals | ||||||||
Alkali Metals | Alkali Earth Metals | Inner Transition | Transition Metals | Metals | Metalloids | Nonmetals | Halogens | Noble Gasses | |
Lanthanides | |||||||||
Actinides | Transactinides |
Groups | |||
New IUPAC system | |||
Old IUPAC system (primarily in Europe) | |||
CAS system (primarily in North America) | |||
Physical States etc. States are at normal temperature and pressure. | |||
Xx | Gases | Xx | Solids |
Xx | Liquids | Xx | Synthetically prepared elements |
Our policy is to only create individual element pages for elements on our periodic table that have been officially recognized and named by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemists (IUPAC). Likewise we only list unnamed elements on our table above whose discovery has been tentatively recognized by IUPAC. Thus at this point in time we have not created individual element pages for elements 114 and above as they have not been officially named. Likewise even though some scientists have claimed to have isolated elements 113 and 115 we do not list these two elements because their discovery has not yet been acknowledged by IUPAC.
The "discovery" of element 118 is still very much in debate. It was reportedly isolated in 1999 by the Ninov et al. Berkeley collaboration, but that report was retracted in 2002. In Oct. 2006 it was again reportedly isolated by scientists from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and their Russian partners at the Dubna nuclear research center in Russia, but IUPAC has not yet commented on this.
On December 1st 2011, the IUPAC announced the proposed names for elements 114 and 116. Element 114 would be named flerovium with the symbol Fl, while element 116 would be named livermorium with the symbol Lv. There will be a five month comment period for the new names. If all goes well the names will become official in May of 2012.
Reference resources used to compile and verify data used to generate these pages.
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Kenneth Barbalace. Periodic Table of Elements. 1995 - 2025. Accessed on-line: 2/8/2025
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<a href="">echo Periodic Table of Elements (</a>- Our periodic table provides comprehensive data on the chemical elements including scores of properties, element names in many languages, chemical compounds, most known nuclides.
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