This page designed print cleanly without extraneous menus, ads, etc. and may make a great classroom handout.
This page may benefit from setting your browser to print background colors. was created by and is owned and operated by Kenneth L Barbalace (J.K. Barbalace, inc.), who is wholly responsible for This privacy statement covers the domains,, and (here after referred to as "this site"). Questions or comments regarding this privacy statement should be directed to Kenneth Barbalace via our contact form (link bottom of page) or mailed to:
All email addresses received via this site's contact form and normal correspondence are kept in the strictest of confidence and are only used to reply to queries or comments submitted. All prudent best practices are used to ensure there is never an accidental release of any personal information including email addresses. This includes physical security, software configurations and the encryption of all user passwords using a one-way hash.
When a user contacts us via our contact form, we request their name, company name and email address. Providing this information is optional and will only be used to reply to the email being set to us. Please note that when emails are sent to us via our contact form, that the user's IP address, user agent data (what web browser is being used) and the address of the webpage that the user was using just prior to accessing our contact form will be sent as part of the email message being sent to us. The primary purpose of this data is to enable us to better answer some questions that are sent to us. This data is also used in some instances to tie the email message back to our server logs for purposes of debugging or tracing server issues that occasionally get reported to us via the contact form.
We do not make use of or generate email lists nor do we provide third parties with access to email addresses collected via the normal course of business.
Third parties including parties who supply advertising posted on this website, sell advertising for this website, and conduct surveys, and each of their contractors, may collect certain information about you, such as your IP address and information you choose to supply in response to the advertising you view on this site. These third parties may use cookies, scripts, or other technologies to access this information. These third parties may also conduct voluntary user surveys and, if you choose to respond, they will receive additional information you provide, such as behavioral or demographic information. The information collected by third parties will be aggregated and used for advertising and marketing purposes. Some of our advertisers participate in the Network Advertising Initiative (the "NAI") which provides a means to opt out of their behaviorial advertising at Please be aware that opting out of behaviorial advertising does not stop ads. It just stops networks from deliverings ads tailored to your Web preferences and usage patterns.
Like most web sites, this site generates industry standard web server log files. Information collected in these log files is only used to analyze general trends, administer the site, for troubleshooting and for quality of service insurance purposes. Information collected by the server logs includes the following information as is industry standard: requesting computer's IP address or domain name; requesting date and time; request method; requested URI (webpage and query string); server response code; bytes transferred; referring page; web-browser's user agent data (browser version and operating system). Access to these logs is limited to only those individuals who need access to them to perform these tasks and these logs are removed from the server and stored in a secure location on a regular basis.
This site is in compliance with Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA) as it pertains to children 13 years of age and younger in that this site's intended audiance is older than 13 years of age. In addition this site does not require the disclosure of personally identifiable information and only uses e-mail addresses collected via e-mail we receive to respond to one-time requests (e.g. homework help).
The only exceptions to the policies stated above are that this site and its owners may release server logs or correspondence to law enforcement or other legal entities if this site is required to provide this information as the result of a legally binding court order and/or to facilitate the investigation of a crime or hostile act committed against this site or others (e.g. our server having been hacked into, a denial of service attack, PayPal fraud, suspected criminal activity, etc.).
This site and it's owner Kenneth Barbalace (J.K. Barbalace, inc) reserve the right to change this privacy policy when necessary. Any changes to this policy will be posted on this page.
[Last modified: March 21, 2011]