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Photos: Winter in Yellowstone

by Kenneth Lea Barbalace

These photos were taken while living in Yellowstone National Park between June of 1988 and September of 1991.

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<span style="font-size:8pt">Photo By: <A HREF="">Kenneth Barbalace</A> ©1996</span>

It will look like this: Photo By: Kenneth Barbalace ©1996

All thumbnail photos link to a medium resolution 800x600 version. High resolution versions of these photos will be made available in the near future, after I have purchased of a high quality slide scanner and rescanned the original 35mm slides.

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A 5x6 point bull elk near Riverside Geyser in the Upper Geyser Basin (Old Faithful area).

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Ice crystals that formed on a pool near Midway Geyser Basin (about 7mi north of Old Faithful).

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Near the top of Dunraven Pass on Mount Washburn looking out towards the Grand Tetons. The snow is about 12ft (4 meters) deep.

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Tracks in the snow are evidence of a rabbit falling prey to an eagle. Taken on the rim of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River.

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Deer dig through the thinner blanket of snow of the Old Faithful area to graze on buried grasses.

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Firehole Falls near Madison Junction. Due to all the geysers and hot springs that feed the Firehole river, it never freezes over in the winter.

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Officer's Row, Mammoth Hot Springs. Until 1916, the U.S. Calvary maintained law & order in Yellowstone. This beautiful row of houses were the homes of US Calvary officers stationed there at the time.

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Gibbon Falls between Norrise Junction and Madison Junction. The Gibbon River Joins the Firehole River to form the Madison River. One of the most respected trout fishing rivers in the country.

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Bison (North American Buffalo) stand in the steam of thermal features at Midway Geyser Basin. Many bison get killed each year, when they break through the thin crust of ground around thermal basins and literally get boiled alive.

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Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. Winter or summer, this is one of the great splendors of Yellowstone National Park.

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