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These photos were taken while living in Yellowstone National Park between June of 1988 and September of 1991.
I do ask that you respect my copyrights and not use any material for commercial gain without my express permission. If you would like to use any of my pictures on your noncommercial web page please feel free to do so as long as you let me know you did (I like visiting new sites). I also ask that you provide a link to my homepage. The following code is how I would prefer my images to be captioned (block the code, then copy it to your clip board):
<span style="font-size:8pt">Photo By: <A HREF="">Kenneth Barbalace</A> ©1996</span>
It will look like this: Photo By: Kenneth Barbalace ©1996
All thumbnail photos link to a medium resolution 800x600 version. High resolution versions of these photos will be made available in the near future, after I have purchased of a high quality slide scanner and rescanned the original 35mm slides.
Started 10-22-1995