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Photos: Geysers of Yellowstone's Upper Geyser Basin

by Kenneth Lea Barbalace

These photos of geysers in Yellowstone's Upper Geyser Basin were taken while I was living in Yellowstone National Park between June of 1988 and September of 1991.

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<span style="font-size:8pt">Photo By: <A HREF="">Kenneth Barbalace</A> ©1996</span>

It will look like this: Photo By: Kenneth Barbalace ©1996

All thumbnail photos link to a medium resolution 800x600 version. High resolution versions of these photos will be made available in the near future, after I have purchased of a high quality slide scanner and rescanned the original 35mm slides.

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Daisy Geyser: although it's eruption cycle was heavily dependant upon weather conditions, Daisy was one of the easiest geysers for me to predict.

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Little Squirt Geyser: It isn't exactly one of the larger geysers and at least when I was in Yellowstone it didn't have it's own sign, but it was still one of my favorite geysers (see my essay "An Eerie Melody").

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Castle Geyser: A short walk from the Old Faithful Visitor's Center, Castle is well worth the wait, especially under a full moon.

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Riverside Geyser: projecting itself across the river, Riverside Geyser frequently produces magnificant rainbows.

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Grand Geyser: at around 200 feet (depending upon the eruption), Grand Geyser is around 70 ft taller than Old Faithful and is the tallest of the predictable geysers in the Upper Geyser Basin. Depending upon its "mood" you might have to wait awhile for it to erupt, but it is a fantastic sight.
800x600 94K Sawmill Geyser: A close neigbor to Grand Geyser, Sawmill Geyser can provide a nice diversion while waiting for Grand Geyser.
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Old Faithful Geyser (in the winter): Probably the most famous (and photographed) geyser in the world. Some would argue that it is also one of the most inappropriately named geysers as it is one of the most difficult of the predictable geysers to predict. If memory serves me correctly, nobody even knew how to predict Old Faithful until around the 1930's. Predicting Old Faithful is only made possible by a complicated table that bases the length of time until the next eruption on how long the last eruption lasted for and this table needs to be continuously updated to account for changes in Old Faithful's patterns. The prediction table I created during the winter of '88-'89 was used for about three years before becoming obsolete.

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