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USDOT HazMat Placards

Class 5 Oxidizers
49CFR 173.127


These pages provide US DOT (U.S. Department of Transportation) definitions for class 5 materials. Title 49 of the United States Code of Federal Regulations (49CFR) also known as the Federal Motor Carriers Safty Regulations (FMCSR) requires the use hazardous materials placards when shipping hazardous materials cargo and dangerous goods in the United States. Canada, Mexico and many other countries have simular regulations that also require the use of these placards.

Clipart CD of Placards Available

CDs containing high-resolution "clipart" versions of each hazmat placard can be purchased from us for $50 U.S. including shipping (via U.S. Mail). For more information and/or to order the CD, please see our placarding CD ordering page.

Division5.1 Oxidizers

Oxidizer (Division 5.1) means a material that may, generally by yielding oxygen, cause or enhance the combustion of other materials.
  1. A solid material is classed as a Division 5.1 material if, when tested in accordance with the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, its mean burning time is less than or equal to the burning time of a 3:7 potassium bromate/cellulose mixture.
  2. A liquid material is classed as a Division 5.1 material if, when tested in accordance with the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, it spontaneously ignites or its mean time for a pressure rise from 690 kPa to 2070 kPa gauge is less then the time of a 1:1 nitric acid (65 percent)/cellulose mixture.

Division 5.2 Organic Peroxide

Organic peroxide (Division 5.2) means any organic compound containing oxygen (O) in the bivalent -O-O- structure and which may be considered a derivative of hydrogen peroxide, where one or more of the hydrogen atoms have been replaced by organic radicals, unless any of the following paragraphs applies:
  1. The material meets the definition of an explosive as prescribed in subpart C of this part, in which case it must be classed as an explosive;
  2. The material is forbidden from being offered for transportation according to 49CFR 172.101 of this subchapter or 49CFR 173.21;
  3. The Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety has determined that the material does not present a hazard which is associated with a Division 5.2 material; or
  4. The material meets one of the following conditions:
    1. For materials containing no more than 1.0 percent hydrogen peroxide, the available oxygen, as calculated using the equation in paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this section, is not more than 1.0 percent, or
    2. For materials containing more than 1.0 percent but not more than 7.0 percent hydrogen peroxide, the available oxygen, content (Oa) is not more than 0.5 percent, when determined using the equation:
      where, for a material containing k species of organic peroxides:
      ni=number of -O-O- groups per molecule of the ith species
      ci=concentration (mass percent) of the ith species
      mi=molecular mass of the ith species
Hazardous Materials Load & Segregation Chart
49CFR 177.848
 7  8 

49CFR 177.848(e)

'*' This indicates that segregation among different Class 1 materials is governed by the compatibility table in 49CFR 177.848(f)

'X' These materials may not be loaded, transported, or stored together in the same transport vehicle or storage facility during the course of transportation.

'O' Indicates that these materials may not be loaded, transported or stored together in the same transport vehicle or storage facility during the course of transportation, unless separated in a manner that, in the event of leakage from packages under conditions normally incident to transportation, commingling of hazardous materials would not occur.

'A' This note means that, notwithstanding the requirements of the letter 'X', ammonium nitrate fertilizer may be loaded or stored with Division 1.1 or Division 1.5 materials.

The absence of any hazard class or division or a blank space in the table indicates that no restrictions apply.

5.11001 lbAXXX X    XOO     X O
5.21001 lb XXX X    XO      X O

Assignment of packing groups

Division 5.1
49CFR 173.127(b)

  1. The packing group of a Division 5.1 material which is a solid shall be assigned using the following criteria:
    1. Packing Group I, for any material which, in either concentration tested, exhibits a mean burning time less than the mean burning time of a 3:2 potassium bromate/cellulose mixture.
    2. Packing Group II, for any material which, in either concentration tested, exhibits a mean burning time less than or equal to the mean burning time of a 2:3 potassium bromate/cellulose mixture and the criteria for Packing Group I are not met.
    3. Packing Group III for any material which, in either concentration tested, exhibits a mean burning time less than or equal to the mean burning time of a 3:7 potassium bromate/cellulose mixture and the criteria for Packing Group I and II are not met.
  2. The packing group of a Division 5.1 material which is a liquid shall be assigned using the following criteria:
    1. Packing Group I for:
      1. Any material which spontaneously ignites when mixed with cellulose in a 1:1 ratio; or
      2. Any material which exhibits a mean pressure rise time less than the pressure rise time of a 1:1 perchloric acid (50 percent)/cellulose mixture.
    2. Packing Group II, any material which exhibits a mean pressure rise time less than or equal to the pressure rise time of a 1:1 aqueous sodium chlorate solution(40 percent)/cellulose mixture and the criteria for Packing Group I are not met.
    3. Packing Group III, any material which exhibits a mean pressure rise time less than or equal to the pressure rise time of a 1:1 nitric acid (65 percent)/cellulose mixture and the criteria for Packing Group I and II are not met.

Division 5.2
49CFR 173.129

All Division 5.2 materials are assigned to Packing Group II in Column 5 of the 49CFR 172.101 Table.

Division 5.2 Generic Types
49CFR 173.128(b)

Division 5.2 organic peroxides are assigned to a generic system which consists of seven types. An organic peroxide identified by technical name in the Organic Peroxides Table in 49CFR 173.225 is assigned to a generic type in accordance with that Table. Organic peroxides not identified in the Organic Peroxides Table are assigned to generic types under the procedures of paragraph (c) of this section.
  1. Type A. Organic peroxide type A is an organic peroxide which can detonate or deflagrate rapidly as packaged for transport. Transportation of type A organic peroxides is forbidden.
  2. Type B. Organic peroxide type B is an organic peroxide which, as packaged for transport, neither detonates nor deflagrates rapidly, but can undergo a thermal explosion.
  3. Type C. Organic peroxide type C is an organic peroxide which, as packaged for transport, neither detonates nor deflagrates rapidly and cannot undergo a thermal explosion.
  4. Type D. Organic peroxide type D is an organic peroxide which-
    1. Detonates only partially, but does not deflagrate rapidly and is not affected by heat when confined;
    2. Does not detonate, deflagrates slowly, and shows no violent effect if heated when confined; or
    3. Does not detonate or deflagrate, and shows a medium effect when heated under confinement.
  5. Type E. Organic peroxide type E is an organic peroxide which neither detonates nor deflagrates and shows low, or no, effect when heated under confinement.
  6. Type F. Organic peroxide type F is an organic peroxide which will not detonate in a cavitated state, does not deflagrate, shows only a low, or no, effect if heated when confined, and has low, or no, explosive power.
  7. Type G. Organic peroxide type G is an organic peroxide which will not detonate in a cavitated state, will not deflagrate at all, shows no effect when heated under confinement, and shows no explosive power. A type G organic peroxide is not subject to the requirements of this subchapter for organic peroxides of Division 5.2 provided that it is thermally stable (self-accelerating decomposition temperature is 50 °C (122 °F) or higher for a 50 kg (110 pounds) package). An organic peroxide meeting all characteristics of type G except thermal stability and requiring temperature control is classed as a type F, temperature control organic peroxide.

Division 5.2 Procedure for Assigning Generic Types
49CFR 173.128(c)

An organic peroxide shall be assigned to a generic type based on-
  1. Its physical state (i.e., liquid or solid), in accordance with the definitions for liquid and solid in 49CFR 171.8 of this subchapter;
  2. A determination as to its control temperature and emergency temperature, if any, under the provisions of 49CFR 173.21(f); and
  3. Performance of the organic peroxide under the test procedures specified in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, and the provisions of paragraph (d) of this section.

Division 5.2 Organic Peroxide Approval
49CFR 173.128(d)

  1. An organic peroxide must be approved, in writing, by the Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety, before being offered for transportation or transported, including assignment of a generic type and shipping description, except for-
    1. An organic peroxide which is identified by technical name in the Organic Peroxides Table in 49CFR 173.225(b);
    2. A mixture of organic peroxides prepared according to 49CFR 173.225(c)(5); or
    3. An organic peroxide which may be shipped as a sample under the provisions of 49CFR 173.225(c).
  2. A person applying for an approval must submit all relevant data concerning physical state, temperature controls, and tests results or an approval issued for the organic peroxide by the competent authority of a foreign government.

Division 5.2 Gerneric Type Determination (Tests)
49CFR 173.128(e)

The generic type for an organic peroxide shall be determined using the testing protocol from Figure 20.1(a) (Classification and Flow Chart Scheme for Organic Peroxides) from the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria.


Last updated: Feb 2007

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  • Guide for Handling Household Chemicals
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  • USDOT Hazardous Materials Table 49 CFR 172.101
    An online version of the USDOT hazardous materials table from 49CFR 172.101. This table can be sorted by proper shipping name, UN/NA ID and/or by primary hazard class/division.
  • ERG (Emergency Response Guidebook)
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  • Chemical Database
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Copyright Notice

While excerpts from the Code of Federal Regulations Title 49 (49CFR) and the "Emergency Response Guidebook" are in the public domain, the image files on these pages, the design of these pages as well as all other materials on this site and graphics files are copyrighted by J.K. Barbalace, inc. Copyrighted material on this site, including graphics files, MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED in any form without the express permission.


WARNING: These pages are for general reference and educational purposes only and MUST NOT be relied upon as a sole source to determine regulatory compliance or where matters of life and health are concerned. This site and the author do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or the sufficiency of the information provided and do not assume any responsibility for its use.

To ensure regulatory compliance when transporting hazardous materials or dangerous goods, one must receive proper training and certification from a qualified instructor and refer to the current year's Code of Federal Regulations Title 49 (49CFR) or your country's shipping regulations. In matters regarding workplace safety, refer to current OSHA regulations (29CFR) and NIOSH guidelines or your own country's health and safety regulations. No one should ever enter into a hazardous environment without proper training from qualified instructors.

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